Post by Nick Watson on Nov 25, 2009 20:04:26 GMT -4
The scene opens up on a large table with an almost endless supply of food and as the scene zooms in on the food the image of Pence Weatherlight appears in a chair at the end of the table. Clearly Pence is snoozing, his mouth wide open, and his eyes closed, some soft music begins to play highlighting the holiday that would arrive the following day. Pence's eyes open and a smile spreads across his face, a welcoming smile, a smile that said "Come on in and get something to eat.". Pence gets up out of his chair and he walks around the right side of the table he begins to speak.
Pence: Season's greetings and welcome to my humble home.
The camera pans around the house which is of normal size, a few paintings adorn the walls, one of a lighthouse overlooking a vast ocean and the other of a field of flowers, a fire place is ablaze and atop its' mantle are some antique vases and a few candles. The camera turns back to Pence who is smiling largely, he waves for the camera to follow him as he goes to the front of the table and takes back the seat he was sitting in only a few minutes ago. Pence kicks his feet up on the chair to his left and offers a seat to the camera man holding the camera in a chair on his right. The camera man obliges and takes his seat as Pence begins to speak again.
Pence: It has always been my belief that Thanksgiving brings people together, even if they are enemies, or that they hate each others guts. Thanksgiving as the name suggests is also a time when people give thanks and I have a lot to be thankful for. So before this promotion begins I would really like to give thanks to those that deserve it and even to those who do not, so please if you don't mind.
Pence turns off the music with a remote that has been placed on the table the whole time and then begins to speak.
Pence: I would like to give thanks to those who are fighting over seas, because without them things would be much shittier around these parts. I mean lets face it without our standing military, who are over seas right now with barely anything to celebrate with, we would all be fucked, and I respect that the sacrifices that you have made have ensure that America is a much safer place. You have my blessings and I hope we can end this war soon so that I can throw you all a proper thanksgiving celebration. I would also like to thank the fans.
Without the fans wrestling would be no where, hell I would be no where, and that is the truth. You guys have been there for me, even when I have not been at the top of my game, and you have cheered for me regardless and I thank you all for that. I admire your attitudes and your personalities and I believe that we can all make a difference in this world if we work together. I hope that by entertaining you all that I have managed to help you relieve some of the stress of your real life and I hope you will all be there later tonight to watch the final Overdrive before Thanksgiving, I promise the main event will be jam packed full of entertainment for every member of the family. Next I would like to thank those that have worked with me and have came to my aid.
I would like to start with my departed mentor, thank you Nick for everything you taught me, and didn't teach me, I hope I can live half the life that you did. Matt thank you for being the son that every man wants to have, one that supports his father, is smart, and is as good with the ladies as his old man. I would also like to thank Benny my camera man, we have been through a lot during our time here in the APW, and heres to making an even more entertaining promotion after the year is over, you have my thanks buddy, and come on by we are going to have thanksgiving here at home. Finally I would like to thank Madok, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but this guy has always been by my side in some shape or form, and as much as I'm against the way he lives I can respect the man for his talents for business. Next I would like to thank Victor Hades, that's right...Victor Hades!
No matter how dickish you are or how much you love to have Level One's and Bigg's dick in your mouth, you have allowed me the chance to prove just how much of a legend in the making I am. For all of the false bravado you put on, for every last drop of vileness you shove on top of every word you say, I can tell you are disappointed in yourself. After all, every time we have had ourselves a little battle, I have bitch slapped you through a house, and put you in your place. It is only when you are beside your life partner, Level One, that you seem to grow the cahones to come out of your fetal position where you have been kissing your ass goodbye to actually say something worth merit. And even then you are the same pansy who has no where to go, but six feet under every time he speaks. You call me a jobber when clearly you have not beaten me once ever, and for that matter have been a consistent losing streak every time you step into the ring with me, but of course you don't take that as a sign of you being completely underarmed in this arms race, you take it as a sign to do what you have done countless times before, and that is stick your foot in your mouth. I say keep doing it and thank you for making this match so much easier on me. Next on the list is Level One.
What is there to be thankful for revolving around Level One and his ego, there really isn't much now is there? He claims he has made me in every rant he sends out and feels that is feasible enough evidence to put me down and out for the count, but as you can see, here I am, facing him in another main event situation for the almost tenth time now, and I have not lost a step or a beat. Meanwhile he is pissing his pants in fear over Slade Craven coming to whoop his ass if he messes up in the main event this evening, and that has quite a bit more possibility of happening than even he can know. Let me put your nerves to rest Level, you don't need to make no fancy speeches tonight, you don't even need to show up, you can sit back, and ride on the glory that I 'gave' you straight to the middle of fuckville because tonight, Pence Weatherlight and Michael Lively will be kicking your ass all around that ring with a smile on our face and a skip in our step. We may even tap dance on that bobble head on your shoulders until the small speck that is your brain comes bouncing out of your God damn ears! And that is something to give thanks for, can I get an amen!
Off screen the loud sound of fans shouting out amen can be heard. Pence's smile broadens as he continues.
Pence: But this is not over is it, there is one more man to give thanks for, and that is Biggs. So Biggs how do you like the announcement must have fell right off the changing table when the beast was changing you. If it were not enough you now have to worry about your's truly coming in and taking that rug that you think is skill and pulling it out right from underneath you. So go ahead and beat Shadow, see if I give a fuck, hell I'm counting on you cheating your way to victory so that I can show you what a real number one contender is like, and to of course throw some fresh blood into the division. You see Shadow is a great fighter, no doubt about that, but he is not close to being as half as talented as me at kicking scrawny little bitches who think they are worth their weight in gold around a ring. I take pride in my ability to bitch slap even the greatest champions and bring them to their knees before me and you will be no fucking different. So shine that belt up, remove your name from it, and be good for goodness sake, because Pence Weatherlight is coming to town and he is packing heat. Oh and thanks in advance for holding on to the title so I can take it.
Pence unprops his feet from the chair to his left and begins to move around the room, he finally stops in front of the door to his house, and turns to look at the camera.
Pence: Happy Thanksgiving everyone and enjoy the promo, it is my treat.
Pence walks out the door as the scene bursts to static.
The sound of a loud thud awoke Matt and alerted his senses to everything that was around him, as he opened his eyes to take a look at his surroundings a bright light hit his eyes, and temporarily blinded him. As the blindness passed, Matt began to look around at where he had been taken, he clearly remembered some things about what had happened, but others seemed fuzzy at best, and distant at times. He remembered he had been drugged and had been put inside a van vaguely, but after that point he remembered nothing but darkness and right now he was a little worried about what was going to happen to him. He knew that he was in a warehouse by the way things looked: wooden crates stacked up into large towers of goods of miscellaneous origins, rusted metal walls surrounding him in a perfect rectangular fashion, and above him a roof of metal with dangly lights that barely illuminated the warehouse as far as it should have. Matt knew he was not alone, something, or somebody had made the noise and looking around he came upon the source of the noise, a door. The door had been opened and then slammed shut, the source of the opening door were two men standing on the far side of the warehouse, one man was smoking a cigar, and another was talking his head off, clearly not noticing the other was not paying attention. Matt would have yelled at them if his mouth was not taped shut and he would have moved he had not been tied to a chair quite tight.
The two guards noticed him because of the noise that his struggling was making on the concrete floor below his feet, they walked over to him quickly, the one with the cigar even dropping his freshly lit cigar on the floor. The one who had been talking for the whole time was the one that forced Matt to stop moving by pushing hard on to his hands, Matt let out muffled sounds of pain, and the man who had dropped his cigar looked at the man who was holding him and slapped him across the head.
Luis: Be careful with him idiot! The boss doesn't want him hurt and if the boss doesn't want him hurt then we don't want him hurt either.
Monty: Why would the boss have us kidnap him then not hurt him?
Luis: Are you really that fucking thick headed, Jesus I knew I should have picked Joe over you. At least then I would be able to have some one intelligent to talk to while we were waiting for the boss to arrive. Now I got to put up with this shit and this little runt trying to make a break for it.
Monty: I'm sorry Luis.
Luis: Damn right you are sorry, Monty. Now go get the kid some food while I untape this kid's mouth.
Luis, the man who had been holding the cigar, and clearly was the smarter of the two of them reached towards Matt's mouth and pulled off the ductape. The first thing Matt did was scream in pain as the tape had really hurt coming off and then he began to shout and scream for help at the top of his lungs. Luis laughed and took a seat on a crate near to where Matt was at.
Luis: Scream all you want kid, there is nobody within miles from here, the boss made sure of that.
Matt: What the hell is going on!? Why did you all kidnap me!
Luis: Even we don't know that yet kid, the boss wanted you here so we brought you here in the only fashion we knew how to. You better be thankful that you aren't in a body bag yet.
Monty appeared from behind a crate carrying a plate full of what looked like rice and put it on Matt's lap, he waited expectantly for Matt to begin eating. Luis looked at Monty and then backhanded him across the head again, instinctively Monty rubbed the back of his head in pain, and looked at Luis.
Monty: What did I do!?
Luis: He is tied up moron, you have to spoon feed him like a baby!
Monty: I don't want to do that, Luis.
Luis: Well then, would you like to explain to the boss just what you do and don't want to do, I'm sure he will hear you out.
Luis: No! Now fucking spoon feed the little brat before I decide to use you for target practice!
Matt: Can you stop with that brat shit? Or do I have to kick your ass?
Luis: Oh seriously and what the fuck are you going to do? You are tied to a chair and plus I'm the least of your problems, the boss is much worse.
Matt tensed up and began to worry, but quickly found himself being spoon fed by Monty, who looked rather disgusted at doing the demeaning task. Luis reached into his pocket and pulled out another cigar, he lit it quickly with a match, and extinguished it before putting the cigar into his mouth and taking a drag.
Luis: So you are the son of that Weatherlight fella? I'm not impressed. I heard Weatherlight was a real fighter, but apparently his son doesn't take after the old man does he?
Matt: You shut the hell up, I'm not like my father. He won't train me in that way.
Luis: Seems like daddy dearest won't teach you because he is afraid that you will get hurt. My father was the same way, but look at me now! I'm a hard working criminal and above all else I'm a great shot. Seriously just learn the stuff you need yourself, that way shit like this won't happen.
Matt: I'm going to respect my father's wishes.
Luis quirked a brow and shook his head as another spoonful of rice was shoved into Matt's mouth, Luis took another drag of the cigar, and then puffed out some smoke. Things remained pretty smooth and quiet until after the plate of rice was finished, the doors to the warehouse opened wide as two new men entered the warehouse, but they were not what caught Matt's eye, it was the limo that did. The limo pulled in quite silently through the opening of the warehouse and came very close to the center of the warehouse before stopping and as if on cue the door to the side of the limo opened on its' own. A very large man walked out, he was as wide as he was tall, and he had a white scarf wrapped around his mouth hiding the bottom half of his face completely, and wore a long white button down overcoat, he was completely bald and had a scar running down one of his eyes passed the scarf. He walked forward towards Matt and the other two, the two men stood at attention as if the man was some kind of conquering hero, they bowed, and took a step back. The man took a wheezing cough and then took a seat on the crate which Luis had been sitting on, he took one more wheezing cough before speaking in a raspy voice that seemed to be gasping for breath.
Man: Leave and never return.
The men nodded and walked passed Matt and the man in white towards the car, they all got inside and it drove off. Once the car was gone and the doors to the warehouse were closed the man spoke up again.
Man: I am sorry for the rudeness that my servants have shown you, but I have no time to truly explain my reasons for why it was imperative that I get you here before me. I knew that it was the only way I could speak to him one on one.
Matt: Who are you talking about?
Man: I must speak with Pence Weatherlight, he is the only hope we have for the future, a storm is coming, and the king on the opposite side of the chessboard has not been set. Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Sten.
The large man known as Sten stood up and unwrapped Matt's legs and hands, Matt confused by the actions of the man, did not move. He sat there, intending to listen to what this "Sten" had to say.
Sten: I had hoped by bringing you here that I would be able to get quick access to your father, but that seems like it will not happen. Time is running out for me and my body is failing me without the virus.
Matt: What are you talking about? Why do you need my father?
Sten: There is a dark storm coming, a storm that must be stopped at all cost, I have lived a slave, a weapon, for far too long, and tonight I will reclaim what is left of my humanity. You see, I am a member of the secret organization known as the Night Blades, we have existed for hundred of years, and have aided and defended humanity for countless generations, but....things have changed. It was not long ago that a man named Alec Siegfried took control of the Night Blades and turned it into a criminal organization. He brought along a man by the name of Vincent Trials, a weapon much like myself, so resisting his control was futile. You see inside of me was something called the Deity Virus, it gave me strength beyond strength and speed beyond speed, I even hear it can bring a man back from the verge of death, but that is beside the point. They are using the Deity Virus for all of the wrong reasons now, usually it was meant to symbolize your status in the Night Blades, but now they are handing it out to everyone and their mother. *wheezing cough* But it doesn't work for everyone, some people become monsters, others become people like me, Hyper Humans. But there is a catch, every four months you need an injection of the virus directly into your blood or the man with the virus inside of them will die. As you may not know, I only have days to live left, I have betrayed the organizations in hopes of stopping their plans, they are trying to correct the mistakes that the Los Numeros made...they are going to....
A loud sound of applause was sounded as they all turned to look at the man now applauding them from a top some of the crates. The man wore a half a mask and a white suit, Sten stood up immediately, and stared at him with intensity.
Vincent: Did you really think all of the money in the world could hide you from the Night Blades? My my my how stupid you must feel now.
*Hotel Room where Matt had been staying*
The cops had arrived shortly after the apparent kidnapping, thanks to a concerned citizen who had saw Matt be stuffed inside of a van. Now the cops were rummaging through the room trying to find clues as to where Matt had been taken or who had taken him, but one man in particular who was not a cop looked over the cops, and silently did some searching of his own. Pence looked over them all his worry for his son only surpassed by his anger towards the men who had taken his son away, he began to look closely at everything, he knew his son would not have gone down without a fight, so drugs must have been used. The cops would come to that realization ten minutes later, but Pence was done waiting on the cops and their slow analysis and as he exited the room where his son had been staying he began to wonder if he was alright. Pence stopped as soon as Benny walked up to him.
Benny: I'm so sorry Pence, I should have been here with him.
Pence: It's alright Benny, I don't blame you, but we need to find Matt and soon. I don't know what is going on, but something foul is afoot. I think I will go take a look at that parking lot.
Pence moved towards the elevator and Benny followed him and once he had entered Pence pressed the button for the main lobby. As the elevator descended Pence's worry and anger began to intertwine, he didn't know what to do, he didn't even know where his son was at, but hopefully the parking lot would lead him to answers. Otherwise he was shit out of luck. As soon as the elevator hit the main lobby Pence and Benny exited and went to the parking lot in the back which they found was empty and taped off. Pence and Benny went under the tape and quickly began to scan the lot for clues, all they could find were skid marks heading east, and that was not a definitive piece of evidence because any car could have made that. Pence kneeled down on the ground and rubbed his face with one of his hands as Benny walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
Benny: Don't worry, Pence, we will find him. I promise.
Pence: I just don't know what to do Benny or how to start looking for him. My mind is just a mess right now, I don't really know how to react.
There was the sound of a loud thud that audibly filled both Benny and Pence's ears as they turned around to look at the source of the noise only to find themselves face to face with a hooded man leaning against the hotel with a book in his hand.
Man: The man who took Matt's name was Sten or rather two of his lackeys by the name of Luis and Monty kidnapped him to bring them to their boss for some odd reason or another.
Benny: And who the hell are you suppose to be!?
Pence: Leave us be, please Benny?
Benny: But...
Pence: Just do it please.
Benny nodded and went back inside the hotel to allow the two men to speak. Pence took a step forward and began to speak softly.
Pence: What are you doing here Madok and why are you dressed up as the Tempest.
Madok sighed and pulled back his hood on his vest and stood up, he too took a step forward.
Madok: Helping you out in finding your son, that's what. Plus I kind of need Sten for a business venture that me and some associates have been working on.
Pence: What type of business venture are you two working on?
Madok: Sorry, but that is classified, I can't just go around making all my business known, because then where would I be.
Madok shrugged and looked away for a second, but then he heard the clicking of gun's safety and turned around to see that Pence had drawn it, he took a deep gulp.
Pence: Because if you don't tell me they will be investigating a murder case here as well...and trust me know one will ever know who blew away rich boy Madok Mortalis. I can make sure of that.
Madok: I see we are going to have to do this your way or the grave , huh?
Pence: Damn right, so start talking.
Madok: Fine, but you may just think I'm bullshitting you after I tell you it anyway. You and an organization know as Vesper have been hunting down members of a secret organization known as Night Blade which recently turned from being a vigilante organization to an organization of criminals. Sten was a part of that organization, but contacted us earlier this month offering files on every member of the Night Blades, so that we could incarcerate the whole damn lot of them. So we began to move into action...only to learn that Sten had planned on kidnapping your son for some purpose only hours before it happened. It could not be prevented and for that I am sorry, but I know that your son will come to no harm. Sten is a kind man, not like the other members of the Night Blade. In all honest I was going to recruit you in helping us take down these guys, but now it seems like you are so dug into your career as a wrestler that you have forgotten who you are. The gun in your hand says otherwise though.
Pence: Even to this day I practice with my gun, just in case things like this happen.
Madok: You mean when secret organizations kidnap your son...that is why you practice?
Pence frowns and tightens his grip on the gun.
Madok: Sounds reasonable to me man, now do you want my hep or not? Because without me you are pretty much boned on the part of finding Sten and bringing him to justice.
Pence knew he had no choice and sighed.
Pence: Will you please help me?
Madok: I thought you would never ask, now can we put this gun up or do you want to hold it at my head all day?
Pence lowered the gun and holstered it in his jacket, Madok then pulled out his book, and began to read it for information. Pence quirked a brow and walked over to where Madok was and took a closer look at the book. It was filled with dates, locations, and other important stuff that Sten most likely would have taken advantage of.
Madok: Well, there are only two places in the city that Sten could use to hide your son successfully without raising any red flags with anyone. The warehouses and an airplane hanger, the airplane hanger is most likely not the spot Sten would use, due to the fact that the hangers are mostly owned by the Night Blades and Sten is trying to avoid them. That leaves the warehouses which were recently bought by a man by the name of Ozzy Rimple, I guarantee that is a fake name, but when you pay a large sum of money, shit like that don't matter. I would say if we are going to find your son it will be here.
Pence: Then lets get rolling, we are wasting time here talking about it.
Madok nodded and began to walk off.
Madok: I have our ride, just follow me.
For some odd reason Pence felt a little awkward in trusting Madok, but it was all for the best, and for his son's sake he knew that he would need Madok's help in catching Sten and finding his son. So with a large sigh, Pence followed him towards the front parking lot where their ride awaited and hopefully when they made it to the warehouses, his son.
To Be Continued....
*A pre-recorded broadcast*
The scene opens up on Pence sitting in front of a fireplace that is ablaze, he is leaning forward with his hands folded, and is giving off his trademark smile to the fans who are watching the broadcast.
Pence: Today, I learned that, on top of main eventing the first Brawl to be televised on the airwaves, and being in the third round of the tournament I would also be taking on Victor Hades and Level One in the main event. To be honest this match is a big match and I look forward to kicking ass and taking names as the Reaper has been doing over and over again for the past couple of weeks, but you see my tag partner is what one would would call a failure. This guy could never do what I did for this business and he could never defeat Level One in any situation, the fact of the matter is I am a successful tag team partner for any team. I ran well with Christopher Wright on HcW and I have been doing fairly well with tag teams here on Overdrive, but you see because I am not an asshole, and because I care for the fans. Michael Lively labels himself better than me and even goes as far to throw me in with the homosexuals along the lines of Streets Wilson, John Green, and Jason Royce, instead of fostering some sort of synergy this ass hole instead forces discord thus screwing my team from winning this match. We are not going to win this match Lively by going at each other's throat, as a God damn tag team champion I thought that maybe you would understand the simplest forms of teamwork, but alas it seems as though people like you are simply incapable of thinking beyond your dick which clearly has a hard on for Level One and Chris Cyrus alike. Get over yourself you overzealous piece of shit, when was the last time any one gave two flying shits about Michael Lively, never, that is fucking right, never. You are on the same level of vileness as the fuckers I am going to have to beat on Wednesday without your God damn assistance apparently.
If you don't want to fucking help, be my God damn guest, and don't show up, I would rather go down fighting without assistance than going down with assistance even if it is going to be minimal. Get a life, seriously, grow some fucking balls, and instead of attacking the person coming into assist you because clearly that is what you need, assistance, why not try to be at least a bit more intelligent, and play like a team fucking player or maybe that is too much to ask. Seriously get the fuck out of here, the fans don't need you and I don't need you, I will fight these two by myself and I will win at all costs, something that you clearly could not do when defending your title against Level One. Wait, what was that? That was the sound of you getting burned you arrogant son of a bitch, now go back to where you belong, cleaning up the shit off the bottom of Jeff's boots, and get the fuck off my back. If you are real nice and I mean real nice, I may just show mercy after I beat both Level One and Victor Hades and not lay you out like a ton of bricks. So go sit in the corner like a good little monkey and wait for me to throw the banana in the middle of the ring so that you can get your turn to throw feces at our opponents.
Now that we have that out of the way we can now really begin discussing my opponents for this week, I mean for starters there is Level One. I owe this guy an ass kicking for sure, this guy needs to have himself knocked down a few pegs, and I am one hundred percent sure I am the man who can do it indefinitely. I know there is a lot of things riding on this match and that is what makes this match so damn important to me and the fans. I have to win tonight, there is no ands, ifs, or buts about it, I have to win to regain some amount of honor in the faces of my peers. I must show that I am still the best damn APW World Heavyweight champion to ever exist in the business and to do that I have to tromp Level One. So lets begin shall we on the ass hat of the APW, the man, the dick, the blow hard: Level One.
Level One, as I said a long time ago, this rivalry will never be over until one of us dies, and I guarantee you that I am not keeling over any time soon. Tonight is a sort of rematch for me and you, even if it is a tag match, this match will be decided by the two true main eventers in the match, and not these retarded clowns throwing pies in each other's faces. Lets face it, neither of us have a partner we would really like to have on our side right now, both of them lack a certain flair that makes them professional, so in the end it will be decided by us two. So let me go ahead and say good luck, because out of the barrel you got the worst possible partner, while I at least picked up an adequate failure to use as a meatshield. But then again there are three failures in this ring, now aren't there.
That's right I'm talking about you Lester, you make me sick, you God damn monster, you hurt my friend before he went up to the big old wrestling ring in the sky, and for that I will break you. I have no intention of sugar coating what I will do to you, you think that maybe I was laughing when I said I was hitman, maybe you were laughing a bit too, but you have no understanding of what I am capable of, you have seen the man that has been driven by the fans, but you have yet to see me be driven by the rage of a departed friend. I should kill you before you even step into the damn ring, I would most likely win a medal for doing such a thing, but that does not matter...I want you to pay the old fashioned way. In the middle of the ring in front of the millions of screaming fans, just like a gladiatorial fight, but there is no freedom for the likes of you shining at the end, there is only more darkness, and more darkness. I just wonder how a man like you can sink any lower, I wonder if there is anything below torturing an old man before his death, and that if you can even sink that far.
But then again you have more things to worry about than me, you have good old Slade Craven watching you from the shadows, waiting for you fuck up, and when you do, which you will, he will strike, and end your career as it should be. So let me diagram what I am going to do to you tonight, I'm going to break every bone in your body until your eyes roll back and blood spews from every pour in your skin. Then for good measure I'm going to take a sledgehammer and crack open your sick and deprived head and take that small thing that you call a brain out and squash it right in front of you. Then I will unload a whole clip of bullets into your body, until there is nothing of you remaining in that body, and then as your soul goes to the pearly gates for entrance. God will throw you down to hell, where the rest of your fucked up family is waiting for you, I hope you like demon dick because that is all you are going to be eating for the rest of eternity. My other opponent is very familiar with demon dick, Victor Hades.
I know that you and Level One have a game of sorts, playing with people's minds, and trying your best to affect them in some sort of way and it usually works in your favor, but this is one of those times that it just comes up short of being truly successful. You think I care about what you all think is a great career, you seem to think I do, but clearly you must not understand why I have been so successful against you in the past. I just don't give a fuck what you say, I mostly put on headphones and listen to music when you come on throwing out your hypocritical bull shit all over the airwaves, I just let you feel important by letting you all assume you are better than you actually are or that your mind games are successful. Believe what you want, I stopped caring the moment you thought you were more than a gnat on the windshield of my career, and its about time I use those windshield wipers to scrape you the fuck off now isn't it?
I mean was it the fact that I have beat you in every match I fought you in that tipped you off to me being completely downtrodden by a comment that simply was stupid to begin with? Or was it the fact that I have had a main stream title run, while you have not? Which one is it? Both, oh okay. You see Victor do you know how stupid you sound when you try to sit at the big boy's table and try to make a difference, you sound about as smart as Jason Royce trying to make himself the APW Champion. It just doesn't work Victor, none of it, its' like you come out bragging, and have nothing to brag about. Yes, I didn't pin you, but the fact that you have not beat me still remains in the record books, there is no "who pinned who?" there is only a Pence Weatherlight and such and such beat Victor Hades and such and such. So stop bitching about the past, you sad little man, and man up to what has happened. You have lost against me, get the fuck over it.
No matter how much you bitch or how much you make jokes the fact still remains, I am going to beat the ever living hell out of your demon dick sucking self until I fill my match quota of pain and after that I may just let it overflow over into my next matches quota. I'm tired of you Victor, I'm tired of you thinking you are bigger than you are, and I am just tired of listening to your boring ass promotions. Get ready for an ass kicking son of a bitch, because when I step into that ring, with a millions of people chanting Pence Weatherlight, deafening you temporarily, and beat your ass like you are a red headed step child, I want you to remember one thing. That you are just another victim of the Reaper and that your soul will be sent directly to hell.
Pence flicks off the screen clearly disapproving of Victor Hades as the scene bursts to static.
*Scene bursts to static*
Pence: Season's greetings and welcome to my humble home.
The camera pans around the house which is of normal size, a few paintings adorn the walls, one of a lighthouse overlooking a vast ocean and the other of a field of flowers, a fire place is ablaze and atop its' mantle are some antique vases and a few candles. The camera turns back to Pence who is smiling largely, he waves for the camera to follow him as he goes to the front of the table and takes back the seat he was sitting in only a few minutes ago. Pence kicks his feet up on the chair to his left and offers a seat to the camera man holding the camera in a chair on his right. The camera man obliges and takes his seat as Pence begins to speak again.
Pence: It has always been my belief that Thanksgiving brings people together, even if they are enemies, or that they hate each others guts. Thanksgiving as the name suggests is also a time when people give thanks and I have a lot to be thankful for. So before this promotion begins I would really like to give thanks to those that deserve it and even to those who do not, so please if you don't mind.
Pence turns off the music with a remote that has been placed on the table the whole time and then begins to speak.
Pence: I would like to give thanks to those who are fighting over seas, because without them things would be much shittier around these parts. I mean lets face it without our standing military, who are over seas right now with barely anything to celebrate with, we would all be fucked, and I respect that the sacrifices that you have made have ensure that America is a much safer place. You have my blessings and I hope we can end this war soon so that I can throw you all a proper thanksgiving celebration. I would also like to thank the fans.
Without the fans wrestling would be no where, hell I would be no where, and that is the truth. You guys have been there for me, even when I have not been at the top of my game, and you have cheered for me regardless and I thank you all for that. I admire your attitudes and your personalities and I believe that we can all make a difference in this world if we work together. I hope that by entertaining you all that I have managed to help you relieve some of the stress of your real life and I hope you will all be there later tonight to watch the final Overdrive before Thanksgiving, I promise the main event will be jam packed full of entertainment for every member of the family. Next I would like to thank those that have worked with me and have came to my aid.
I would like to start with my departed mentor, thank you Nick for everything you taught me, and didn't teach me, I hope I can live half the life that you did. Matt thank you for being the son that every man wants to have, one that supports his father, is smart, and is as good with the ladies as his old man. I would also like to thank Benny my camera man, we have been through a lot during our time here in the APW, and heres to making an even more entertaining promotion after the year is over, you have my thanks buddy, and come on by we are going to have thanksgiving here at home. Finally I would like to thank Madok, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but this guy has always been by my side in some shape or form, and as much as I'm against the way he lives I can respect the man for his talents for business. Next I would like to thank Victor Hades, that's right...Victor Hades!
No matter how dickish you are or how much you love to have Level One's and Bigg's dick in your mouth, you have allowed me the chance to prove just how much of a legend in the making I am. For all of the false bravado you put on, for every last drop of vileness you shove on top of every word you say, I can tell you are disappointed in yourself. After all, every time we have had ourselves a little battle, I have bitch slapped you through a house, and put you in your place. It is only when you are beside your life partner, Level One, that you seem to grow the cahones to come out of your fetal position where you have been kissing your ass goodbye to actually say something worth merit. And even then you are the same pansy who has no where to go, but six feet under every time he speaks. You call me a jobber when clearly you have not beaten me once ever, and for that matter have been a consistent losing streak every time you step into the ring with me, but of course you don't take that as a sign of you being completely underarmed in this arms race, you take it as a sign to do what you have done countless times before, and that is stick your foot in your mouth. I say keep doing it and thank you for making this match so much easier on me. Next on the list is Level One.
What is there to be thankful for revolving around Level One and his ego, there really isn't much now is there? He claims he has made me in every rant he sends out and feels that is feasible enough evidence to put me down and out for the count, but as you can see, here I am, facing him in another main event situation for the almost tenth time now, and I have not lost a step or a beat. Meanwhile he is pissing his pants in fear over Slade Craven coming to whoop his ass if he messes up in the main event this evening, and that has quite a bit more possibility of happening than even he can know. Let me put your nerves to rest Level, you don't need to make no fancy speeches tonight, you don't even need to show up, you can sit back, and ride on the glory that I 'gave' you straight to the middle of fuckville because tonight, Pence Weatherlight and Michael Lively will be kicking your ass all around that ring with a smile on our face and a skip in our step. We may even tap dance on that bobble head on your shoulders until the small speck that is your brain comes bouncing out of your God damn ears! And that is something to give thanks for, can I get an amen!
Off screen the loud sound of fans shouting out amen can be heard. Pence's smile broadens as he continues.
Pence: But this is not over is it, there is one more man to give thanks for, and that is Biggs. So Biggs how do you like the announcement must have fell right off the changing table when the beast was changing you. If it were not enough you now have to worry about your's truly coming in and taking that rug that you think is skill and pulling it out right from underneath you. So go ahead and beat Shadow, see if I give a fuck, hell I'm counting on you cheating your way to victory so that I can show you what a real number one contender is like, and to of course throw some fresh blood into the division. You see Shadow is a great fighter, no doubt about that, but he is not close to being as half as talented as me at kicking scrawny little bitches who think they are worth their weight in gold around a ring. I take pride in my ability to bitch slap even the greatest champions and bring them to their knees before me and you will be no fucking different. So shine that belt up, remove your name from it, and be good for goodness sake, because Pence Weatherlight is coming to town and he is packing heat. Oh and thanks in advance for holding on to the title so I can take it.
Pence unprops his feet from the chair to his left and begins to move around the room, he finally stops in front of the door to his house, and turns to look at the camera.
Pence: Happy Thanksgiving everyone and enjoy the promo, it is my treat.
Pence walks out the door as the scene bursts to static.
The sound of a loud thud awoke Matt and alerted his senses to everything that was around him, as he opened his eyes to take a look at his surroundings a bright light hit his eyes, and temporarily blinded him. As the blindness passed, Matt began to look around at where he had been taken, he clearly remembered some things about what had happened, but others seemed fuzzy at best, and distant at times. He remembered he had been drugged and had been put inside a van vaguely, but after that point he remembered nothing but darkness and right now he was a little worried about what was going to happen to him. He knew that he was in a warehouse by the way things looked: wooden crates stacked up into large towers of goods of miscellaneous origins, rusted metal walls surrounding him in a perfect rectangular fashion, and above him a roof of metal with dangly lights that barely illuminated the warehouse as far as it should have. Matt knew he was not alone, something, or somebody had made the noise and looking around he came upon the source of the noise, a door. The door had been opened and then slammed shut, the source of the opening door were two men standing on the far side of the warehouse, one man was smoking a cigar, and another was talking his head off, clearly not noticing the other was not paying attention. Matt would have yelled at them if his mouth was not taped shut and he would have moved he had not been tied to a chair quite tight.
The two guards noticed him because of the noise that his struggling was making on the concrete floor below his feet, they walked over to him quickly, the one with the cigar even dropping his freshly lit cigar on the floor. The one who had been talking for the whole time was the one that forced Matt to stop moving by pushing hard on to his hands, Matt let out muffled sounds of pain, and the man who had dropped his cigar looked at the man who was holding him and slapped him across the head.
Luis: Be careful with him idiot! The boss doesn't want him hurt and if the boss doesn't want him hurt then we don't want him hurt either.
Monty: Why would the boss have us kidnap him then not hurt him?
Luis: Are you really that fucking thick headed, Jesus I knew I should have picked Joe over you. At least then I would be able to have some one intelligent to talk to while we were waiting for the boss to arrive. Now I got to put up with this shit and this little runt trying to make a break for it.
Monty: I'm sorry Luis.
Luis: Damn right you are sorry, Monty. Now go get the kid some food while I untape this kid's mouth.
Luis, the man who had been holding the cigar, and clearly was the smarter of the two of them reached towards Matt's mouth and pulled off the ductape. The first thing Matt did was scream in pain as the tape had really hurt coming off and then he began to shout and scream for help at the top of his lungs. Luis laughed and took a seat on a crate near to where Matt was at.
Luis: Scream all you want kid, there is nobody within miles from here, the boss made sure of that.
Matt: What the hell is going on!? Why did you all kidnap me!
Luis: Even we don't know that yet kid, the boss wanted you here so we brought you here in the only fashion we knew how to. You better be thankful that you aren't in a body bag yet.
Monty appeared from behind a crate carrying a plate full of what looked like rice and put it on Matt's lap, he waited expectantly for Matt to begin eating. Luis looked at Monty and then backhanded him across the head again, instinctively Monty rubbed the back of his head in pain, and looked at Luis.
Monty: What did I do!?
Luis: He is tied up moron, you have to spoon feed him like a baby!
Monty: I don't want to do that, Luis.
Luis: Well then, would you like to explain to the boss just what you do and don't want to do, I'm sure he will hear you out.
Luis: No! Now fucking spoon feed the little brat before I decide to use you for target practice!
Matt: Can you stop with that brat shit? Or do I have to kick your ass?
Luis: Oh seriously and what the fuck are you going to do? You are tied to a chair and plus I'm the least of your problems, the boss is much worse.
Matt tensed up and began to worry, but quickly found himself being spoon fed by Monty, who looked rather disgusted at doing the demeaning task. Luis reached into his pocket and pulled out another cigar, he lit it quickly with a match, and extinguished it before putting the cigar into his mouth and taking a drag.
Luis: So you are the son of that Weatherlight fella? I'm not impressed. I heard Weatherlight was a real fighter, but apparently his son doesn't take after the old man does he?
Matt: You shut the hell up, I'm not like my father. He won't train me in that way.
Luis: Seems like daddy dearest won't teach you because he is afraid that you will get hurt. My father was the same way, but look at me now! I'm a hard working criminal and above all else I'm a great shot. Seriously just learn the stuff you need yourself, that way shit like this won't happen.
Matt: I'm going to respect my father's wishes.
Luis quirked a brow and shook his head as another spoonful of rice was shoved into Matt's mouth, Luis took another drag of the cigar, and then puffed out some smoke. Things remained pretty smooth and quiet until after the plate of rice was finished, the doors to the warehouse opened wide as two new men entered the warehouse, but they were not what caught Matt's eye, it was the limo that did. The limo pulled in quite silently through the opening of the warehouse and came very close to the center of the warehouse before stopping and as if on cue the door to the side of the limo opened on its' own. A very large man walked out, he was as wide as he was tall, and he had a white scarf wrapped around his mouth hiding the bottom half of his face completely, and wore a long white button down overcoat, he was completely bald and had a scar running down one of his eyes passed the scarf. He walked forward towards Matt and the other two, the two men stood at attention as if the man was some kind of conquering hero, they bowed, and took a step back. The man took a wheezing cough and then took a seat on the crate which Luis had been sitting on, he took one more wheezing cough before speaking in a raspy voice that seemed to be gasping for breath.
Man: Leave and never return.
The men nodded and walked passed Matt and the man in white towards the car, they all got inside and it drove off. Once the car was gone and the doors to the warehouse were closed the man spoke up again.
Man: I am sorry for the rudeness that my servants have shown you, but I have no time to truly explain my reasons for why it was imperative that I get you here before me. I knew that it was the only way I could speak to him one on one.
Matt: Who are you talking about?
Man: I must speak with Pence Weatherlight, he is the only hope we have for the future, a storm is coming, and the king on the opposite side of the chessboard has not been set. Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Sten.
The large man known as Sten stood up and unwrapped Matt's legs and hands, Matt confused by the actions of the man, did not move. He sat there, intending to listen to what this "Sten" had to say.
Sten: I had hoped by bringing you here that I would be able to get quick access to your father, but that seems like it will not happen. Time is running out for me and my body is failing me without the virus.
Matt: What are you talking about? Why do you need my father?
Sten: There is a dark storm coming, a storm that must be stopped at all cost, I have lived a slave, a weapon, for far too long, and tonight I will reclaim what is left of my humanity. You see, I am a member of the secret organization known as the Night Blades, we have existed for hundred of years, and have aided and defended humanity for countless generations, but....things have changed. It was not long ago that a man named Alec Siegfried took control of the Night Blades and turned it into a criminal organization. He brought along a man by the name of Vincent Trials, a weapon much like myself, so resisting his control was futile. You see inside of me was something called the Deity Virus, it gave me strength beyond strength and speed beyond speed, I even hear it can bring a man back from the verge of death, but that is beside the point. They are using the Deity Virus for all of the wrong reasons now, usually it was meant to symbolize your status in the Night Blades, but now they are handing it out to everyone and their mother. *wheezing cough* But it doesn't work for everyone, some people become monsters, others become people like me, Hyper Humans. But there is a catch, every four months you need an injection of the virus directly into your blood or the man with the virus inside of them will die. As you may not know, I only have days to live left, I have betrayed the organizations in hopes of stopping their plans, they are trying to correct the mistakes that the Los Numeros made...they are going to....
A loud sound of applause was sounded as they all turned to look at the man now applauding them from a top some of the crates. The man wore a half a mask and a white suit, Sten stood up immediately, and stared at him with intensity.
Vincent: Did you really think all of the money in the world could hide you from the Night Blades? My my my how stupid you must feel now.
*Hotel Room where Matt had been staying*
The cops had arrived shortly after the apparent kidnapping, thanks to a concerned citizen who had saw Matt be stuffed inside of a van. Now the cops were rummaging through the room trying to find clues as to where Matt had been taken or who had taken him, but one man in particular who was not a cop looked over the cops, and silently did some searching of his own. Pence looked over them all his worry for his son only surpassed by his anger towards the men who had taken his son away, he began to look closely at everything, he knew his son would not have gone down without a fight, so drugs must have been used. The cops would come to that realization ten minutes later, but Pence was done waiting on the cops and their slow analysis and as he exited the room where his son had been staying he began to wonder if he was alright. Pence stopped as soon as Benny walked up to him.
Benny: I'm so sorry Pence, I should have been here with him.
Pence: It's alright Benny, I don't blame you, but we need to find Matt and soon. I don't know what is going on, but something foul is afoot. I think I will go take a look at that parking lot.
Pence moved towards the elevator and Benny followed him and once he had entered Pence pressed the button for the main lobby. As the elevator descended Pence's worry and anger began to intertwine, he didn't know what to do, he didn't even know where his son was at, but hopefully the parking lot would lead him to answers. Otherwise he was shit out of luck. As soon as the elevator hit the main lobby Pence and Benny exited and went to the parking lot in the back which they found was empty and taped off. Pence and Benny went under the tape and quickly began to scan the lot for clues, all they could find were skid marks heading east, and that was not a definitive piece of evidence because any car could have made that. Pence kneeled down on the ground and rubbed his face with one of his hands as Benny walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
Benny: Don't worry, Pence, we will find him. I promise.
Pence: I just don't know what to do Benny or how to start looking for him. My mind is just a mess right now, I don't really know how to react.
There was the sound of a loud thud that audibly filled both Benny and Pence's ears as they turned around to look at the source of the noise only to find themselves face to face with a hooded man leaning against the hotel with a book in his hand.
Man: The man who took Matt's name was Sten or rather two of his lackeys by the name of Luis and Monty kidnapped him to bring them to their boss for some odd reason or another.
Benny: And who the hell are you suppose to be!?
Pence: Leave us be, please Benny?
Benny: But...
Pence: Just do it please.
Benny nodded and went back inside the hotel to allow the two men to speak. Pence took a step forward and began to speak softly.
Pence: What are you doing here Madok and why are you dressed up as the Tempest.
Madok sighed and pulled back his hood on his vest and stood up, he too took a step forward.
Madok: Helping you out in finding your son, that's what. Plus I kind of need Sten for a business venture that me and some associates have been working on.
Pence: What type of business venture are you two working on?
Madok: Sorry, but that is classified, I can't just go around making all my business known, because then where would I be.
Madok shrugged and looked away for a second, but then he heard the clicking of gun's safety and turned around to see that Pence had drawn it, he took a deep gulp.
Pence: Because if you don't tell me they will be investigating a murder case here as well...and trust me know one will ever know who blew away rich boy Madok Mortalis. I can make sure of that.
Madok: I see we are going to have to do this your way or the grave , huh?
Pence: Damn right, so start talking.
Madok: Fine, but you may just think I'm bullshitting you after I tell you it anyway. You and an organization know as Vesper have been hunting down members of a secret organization known as Night Blade which recently turned from being a vigilante organization to an organization of criminals. Sten was a part of that organization, but contacted us earlier this month offering files on every member of the Night Blades, so that we could incarcerate the whole damn lot of them. So we began to move into action...only to learn that Sten had planned on kidnapping your son for some purpose only hours before it happened. It could not be prevented and for that I am sorry, but I know that your son will come to no harm. Sten is a kind man, not like the other members of the Night Blade. In all honest I was going to recruit you in helping us take down these guys, but now it seems like you are so dug into your career as a wrestler that you have forgotten who you are. The gun in your hand says otherwise though.
Pence: Even to this day I practice with my gun, just in case things like this happen.
Madok: You mean when secret organizations kidnap your son...that is why you practice?
Pence frowns and tightens his grip on the gun.
Madok: Sounds reasonable to me man, now do you want my hep or not? Because without me you are pretty much boned on the part of finding Sten and bringing him to justice.
Pence knew he had no choice and sighed.
Pence: Will you please help me?
Madok: I thought you would never ask, now can we put this gun up or do you want to hold it at my head all day?
Pence lowered the gun and holstered it in his jacket, Madok then pulled out his book, and began to read it for information. Pence quirked a brow and walked over to where Madok was and took a closer look at the book. It was filled with dates, locations, and other important stuff that Sten most likely would have taken advantage of.
Madok: Well, there are only two places in the city that Sten could use to hide your son successfully without raising any red flags with anyone. The warehouses and an airplane hanger, the airplane hanger is most likely not the spot Sten would use, due to the fact that the hangers are mostly owned by the Night Blades and Sten is trying to avoid them. That leaves the warehouses which were recently bought by a man by the name of Ozzy Rimple, I guarantee that is a fake name, but when you pay a large sum of money, shit like that don't matter. I would say if we are going to find your son it will be here.
Pence: Then lets get rolling, we are wasting time here talking about it.
Madok nodded and began to walk off.
Madok: I have our ride, just follow me.
For some odd reason Pence felt a little awkward in trusting Madok, but it was all for the best, and for his son's sake he knew that he would need Madok's help in catching Sten and finding his son. So with a large sigh, Pence followed him towards the front parking lot where their ride awaited and hopefully when they made it to the warehouses, his son.
To Be Continued....
*A pre-recorded broadcast*
The scene opens up on Pence sitting in front of a fireplace that is ablaze, he is leaning forward with his hands folded, and is giving off his trademark smile to the fans who are watching the broadcast.
Pence: Today, I learned that, on top of main eventing the first Brawl to be televised on the airwaves, and being in the third round of the tournament I would also be taking on Victor Hades and Level One in the main event. To be honest this match is a big match and I look forward to kicking ass and taking names as the Reaper has been doing over and over again for the past couple of weeks, but you see my tag partner is what one would would call a failure. This guy could never do what I did for this business and he could never defeat Level One in any situation, the fact of the matter is I am a successful tag team partner for any team. I ran well with Christopher Wright on HcW and I have been doing fairly well with tag teams here on Overdrive, but you see because I am not an asshole, and because I care for the fans. Michael Lively labels himself better than me and even goes as far to throw me in with the homosexuals along the lines of Streets Wilson, John Green, and Jason Royce, instead of fostering some sort of synergy this ass hole instead forces discord thus screwing my team from winning this match. We are not going to win this match Lively by going at each other's throat, as a God damn tag team champion I thought that maybe you would understand the simplest forms of teamwork, but alas it seems as though people like you are simply incapable of thinking beyond your dick which clearly has a hard on for Level One and Chris Cyrus alike. Get over yourself you overzealous piece of shit, when was the last time any one gave two flying shits about Michael Lively, never, that is fucking right, never. You are on the same level of vileness as the fuckers I am going to have to beat on Wednesday without your God damn assistance apparently.
If you don't want to fucking help, be my God damn guest, and don't show up, I would rather go down fighting without assistance than going down with assistance even if it is going to be minimal. Get a life, seriously, grow some fucking balls, and instead of attacking the person coming into assist you because clearly that is what you need, assistance, why not try to be at least a bit more intelligent, and play like a team fucking player or maybe that is too much to ask. Seriously get the fuck out of here, the fans don't need you and I don't need you, I will fight these two by myself and I will win at all costs, something that you clearly could not do when defending your title against Level One. Wait, what was that? That was the sound of you getting burned you arrogant son of a bitch, now go back to where you belong, cleaning up the shit off the bottom of Jeff's boots, and get the fuck off my back. If you are real nice and I mean real nice, I may just show mercy after I beat both Level One and Victor Hades and not lay you out like a ton of bricks. So go sit in the corner like a good little monkey and wait for me to throw the banana in the middle of the ring so that you can get your turn to throw feces at our opponents.
Now that we have that out of the way we can now really begin discussing my opponents for this week, I mean for starters there is Level One. I owe this guy an ass kicking for sure, this guy needs to have himself knocked down a few pegs, and I am one hundred percent sure I am the man who can do it indefinitely. I know there is a lot of things riding on this match and that is what makes this match so damn important to me and the fans. I have to win tonight, there is no ands, ifs, or buts about it, I have to win to regain some amount of honor in the faces of my peers. I must show that I am still the best damn APW World Heavyweight champion to ever exist in the business and to do that I have to tromp Level One. So lets begin shall we on the ass hat of the APW, the man, the dick, the blow hard: Level One.
Level One, as I said a long time ago, this rivalry will never be over until one of us dies, and I guarantee you that I am not keeling over any time soon. Tonight is a sort of rematch for me and you, even if it is a tag match, this match will be decided by the two true main eventers in the match, and not these retarded clowns throwing pies in each other's faces. Lets face it, neither of us have a partner we would really like to have on our side right now, both of them lack a certain flair that makes them professional, so in the end it will be decided by us two. So let me go ahead and say good luck, because out of the barrel you got the worst possible partner, while I at least picked up an adequate failure to use as a meatshield. But then again there are three failures in this ring, now aren't there.
That's right I'm talking about you Lester, you make me sick, you God damn monster, you hurt my friend before he went up to the big old wrestling ring in the sky, and for that I will break you. I have no intention of sugar coating what I will do to you, you think that maybe I was laughing when I said I was hitman, maybe you were laughing a bit too, but you have no understanding of what I am capable of, you have seen the man that has been driven by the fans, but you have yet to see me be driven by the rage of a departed friend. I should kill you before you even step into the damn ring, I would most likely win a medal for doing such a thing, but that does not matter...I want you to pay the old fashioned way. In the middle of the ring in front of the millions of screaming fans, just like a gladiatorial fight, but there is no freedom for the likes of you shining at the end, there is only more darkness, and more darkness. I just wonder how a man like you can sink any lower, I wonder if there is anything below torturing an old man before his death, and that if you can even sink that far.
But then again you have more things to worry about than me, you have good old Slade Craven watching you from the shadows, waiting for you fuck up, and when you do, which you will, he will strike, and end your career as it should be. So let me diagram what I am going to do to you tonight, I'm going to break every bone in your body until your eyes roll back and blood spews from every pour in your skin. Then for good measure I'm going to take a sledgehammer and crack open your sick and deprived head and take that small thing that you call a brain out and squash it right in front of you. Then I will unload a whole clip of bullets into your body, until there is nothing of you remaining in that body, and then as your soul goes to the pearly gates for entrance. God will throw you down to hell, where the rest of your fucked up family is waiting for you, I hope you like demon dick because that is all you are going to be eating for the rest of eternity. My other opponent is very familiar with demon dick, Victor Hades.
I know that you and Level One have a game of sorts, playing with people's minds, and trying your best to affect them in some sort of way and it usually works in your favor, but this is one of those times that it just comes up short of being truly successful. You think I care about what you all think is a great career, you seem to think I do, but clearly you must not understand why I have been so successful against you in the past. I just don't give a fuck what you say, I mostly put on headphones and listen to music when you come on throwing out your hypocritical bull shit all over the airwaves, I just let you feel important by letting you all assume you are better than you actually are or that your mind games are successful. Believe what you want, I stopped caring the moment you thought you were more than a gnat on the windshield of my career, and its about time I use those windshield wipers to scrape you the fuck off now isn't it?
I mean was it the fact that I have beat you in every match I fought you in that tipped you off to me being completely downtrodden by a comment that simply was stupid to begin with? Or was it the fact that I have had a main stream title run, while you have not? Which one is it? Both, oh okay. You see Victor do you know how stupid you sound when you try to sit at the big boy's table and try to make a difference, you sound about as smart as Jason Royce trying to make himself the APW Champion. It just doesn't work Victor, none of it, its' like you come out bragging, and have nothing to brag about. Yes, I didn't pin you, but the fact that you have not beat me still remains in the record books, there is no "who pinned who?" there is only a Pence Weatherlight and such and such beat Victor Hades and such and such. So stop bitching about the past, you sad little man, and man up to what has happened. You have lost against me, get the fuck over it.
No matter how much you bitch or how much you make jokes the fact still remains, I am going to beat the ever living hell out of your demon dick sucking self until I fill my match quota of pain and after that I may just let it overflow over into my next matches quota. I'm tired of you Victor, I'm tired of you thinking you are bigger than you are, and I am just tired of listening to your boring ass promotions. Get ready for an ass kicking son of a bitch, because when I step into that ring, with a millions of people chanting Pence Weatherlight, deafening you temporarily, and beat your ass like you are a red headed step child, I want you to remember one thing. That you are just another victim of the Reaper and that your soul will be sent directly to hell.
Pence flicks off the screen clearly disapproving of Victor Hades as the scene bursts to static.
*Scene bursts to static*