Post by Arcadia on Sept 29, 2008 21:40:11 GMT -4
I have been around here for a few months and I am cool with alot of things...I never bitch about Woman-Hating jokes, slut comments, attack roleplays, NOTHING. SO this is a first for me... I am so sorry to bitch and complain about this, and it is ABSOLUTELY NOT a personal attack on Ricochet's player. So to get on with it:
There is a MAJOR difference between thought, discription, filler, and SPEECH. Unless your character is telepathic, there is no way in hell that you should use another character's thought processes in a Roleplay against them. I made it abundantly clear, in a way that many people have when RPing, that my character was THINKING for the first half of her RP. Hence the lack of quotations, the italics, and the word THOUGHTS.
When you use that in a roleplay, it is called Metagaming.
On top of that, once again the lack of quotations in my second PPV RP while talking about Wrestlemania signifies NOT SPEECH, but in fact, DESCRIPTION!
Like I said, I never have had any objections or complaints when someone does something to my character, but metagaming is completely not cool. If you want to know, figure out how to learn it. IN CHARACTER!!!
bitchfest done.
Post by iggy on Sept 29, 2008 21:47:47 GMT -4
My rule is if it is written it is game. EVERYTHING your opponent says and does is fair game. Even if he is thinking it!
Sorry but if the judges can judge you on what you are thinking as a good slam then you say you cannot use that I thought it. Is wrong.
No thoughts to self just doesn't work. This is story bashing not true promo bashing.
Post by Your JESUS on Sept 29, 2008 21:58:08 GMT -4
I say who gives a shit what your rules are, we are in APW, and APW rules apply. I'd wait on Jeff's rulings cause those seem to be the ones that matter. I have been bashed on not being realistic, and if thats the case, then unless his charachter is a mind reader then his rebutle of her thoughts would appear to be realistic. I think this whole thing is a game, I don;t care if I'm jumped, attacked, or whipped with a cane that has a condom filled with creme mounted on top of it.
I don't know...I'd say she has a point, but none the less thats my oppinion and it usually doesn't matter thats why I don't post it up every chance I get like I'm some sort of ruler, judge, or person of importance....this matter to me should be attended to by Jeff, Arcadia, and Ricochet...and we should all possibly keep our feelings, coments, and posts to our selves.
The Paragon of Hardcore
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Post by The Paragon of Hardcore on Sept 29, 2008 22:45:04 GMT -4
Ok... for the record, Iggy... Arcadia deffinitely wasn't bashing Ricochet's story or personally attacking him. I honestly think she has a point... as unbiased as my opinion may be... Since when is Ricochet telepathic? If he was, why couldn't he tell that girl in the bar was gonna throw a drink in his face? Its not even like she was asking for a ruling decision... She was just upset that something she didn't want to bring out in character yet... something that was just her personal thoughts that added to her character's dimension was used as something for Ricochet to rip on her for... I find it amusing that Ricochet said "no wonder she can't get laid"... You think its virginity by choice? Trevor Blackwell is a virgin against his own will... Wait... He has a daughter... There's a hole in my logic somewhere... I'm just too sober to see it...
Post by iggy on Sept 29, 2008 22:52:07 GMT -4
And I never said she was. I just stating this is story bashing. If the judges can judge you on your thoughts and they are not telepathic either then your opponent can as well.
And Arcadia mentioning she is having a bitchfest bringing up her thoughts and I brought up my opinion as well. I never said anyone's name nor did she.
Also ask yourself if the audience is not telepathic how are they being entertained if they do not know what is going on is someone's head.
If the audience can know what is in your head. The judges can know what is in your head. Then why not your opponent?
If you want thoughts no one knows of don't post them.
And this is an opinon. I do have a right to them. Same with Arcadia stating hers and you two stating your own.
There is no need for name calling or belittling anyone.
Post by Arcadia on Sept 29, 2008 23:53:35 GMT -4
I never wanted namecalling. And personal attacks were never in mind when I wrote this, nor are they now. I happen to think that Jason's roleplays are pretty damn funny. I've even told him this. As a matter of fact, when I considered writing the whole internal monologue, I knew at least one person was gonna bring it into character knowledge. I understood that. Since its always been a part of my character since her inception... but one does not simply go around screaming, "I'm a Virgin!!!"
Its something that was never brought up before. I found it a perfect opportunity to let this side of my character show. On top of that, what actually pushed me to finally write this was quite simply the fact that when I was writing my description of the arena... which happened to be while I was watching Wrestlmania 2000 on DVD, giving me visuals since it was held in the same arena that Aftershock is... it was used as something that came out of my mouth instead of something that was simply meant to be descriptive for the readers.
The virgin thing wasn't even what did it. It surprises me that everyone is harping on that when what actually pushed me over was the WWE comment. Lets face it people, we don't narrate our stories. We set a scene. I just find it funny and even though everyone eventually bitches about something, I think that some people are taking this way too seriously.
So anyway... No, I don't want a ruling from Jeff or anything. And, no, I don't want problems with Ricochet's player. Its just that my entire roleplaying style would have to be changed if this is how the fed wants to play it. As a matter of fact, everyone's would. Just in case, it could be said that you insulted APW by calling their gym "decrepit" in a description... or some such shit... It doesn't need to be this big of a deal...
Quite frankly, I'm glad to finally have an opponent who can spell and has intelligence and creativity all in the same package. So please, I don't want controversy... I JUST WANTED TO BITCH FOR A MINUTE. Lively, eat your heart out.
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Post by Twister on Sept 30, 2008 1:27:20 GMT -4
I havent yet read the RPs... But based on what Ive seen here...
Using thoughts against an opponent should be faux pas... Its like when people use an "Off camera" segment or what not. No one rps as a psychic... I dont think... erego unless it is actually said or done you really cant use it against someone.
Post by Dr. Matt on Sept 30, 2008 7:37:46 GMT -4
I also haven't read either RP yet, but I definitely go for "If it's in a RP, you can use it"; regardless of whether it's a dream, off-camera segment, thought, whatever.
Because when I RP, I do everything on camera. The only thing you don't really see is my narration, which is usually some sort of meta-reference anyways. But, for my opponents benefit, I lay everything out on the line. If there's some sort of action sequence, I bring a cameraman along with me (which I believe was how Phil was created). If I'm thinking, it's done as a Voice-Over.
So, in my mind, if I'm writing my RP so that every part of it can be used by my opponent, then I don't really give two shits what can and can't be used from yours. But, that's just how I do it. I'm not attacking people here, I'm just attacking the argument (which is how one debate's properly, no?)
But, then again, I view RPs as a transcript of a promo; a written down account of a video. I hate seeing off-camera, thoughts, etc. in RPs. But, once again, just my style. If I'm judging, I don't hold it against people, but on a personal taste level, I just don't like it.
Anyways, that's my two cents. Everything from the opening to closing line is fair game in my books.
Post by Arcadia on Sept 30, 2008 10:17:23 GMT -4
I think each and every one of us has a different style of writing. Some of us use the screenplay format. Some just write everything out in the first person. I prefer novel format.
The fact that everyone RP's on, well, basically tv, and we all get to see everyone else's shit is almost exclusive to e-fedding. Anyone of us could say,"Hey I just saw your promo." And that's enough to make it plausible for you to bring any info from it into your story, as opposd to a style im much more used to, which is table top.
Just because all the players are sitting around hearing everything that goes on doesn't nessessarily mean your character was there for it.
And how many of us fuck around in the middle of our roleplays? Who here has said, "But getting back to my RP" or anything similar in one...just last week, John Green wrote a two liner, and at the end in parenthesis talked about how his computer had crashed and he lost his RP...
Should we all take that to mean that John Green the Character and not the player was having computer problems and decided to mention it to his opponenent in passing?
It's a moot point frankly, because nobody here would ever think to say that "his character said it" But it's a good example...
Low Carder
The Demise Of APW
Posts: 153
Post by Nasir on Sept 30, 2008 10:48:28 GMT -4
Exactly why include'thoughts' in an RP? If Jason wasn't suppose to know about it then how was any of the people reading/watching it? If that's the case what was the point in writing something nobody can see? I ain't pissed off about it just think that its unnecessary TBH
Post by President Jeff on Sept 30, 2008 11:12:48 GMT -4
I will post my 2 cents on this later. I'm not really sure where I stand. Both sides of the discussion makes good points, but again, this is something I'm trying to think through. Plus i'm more focused on getting the PPV put together for tonight
Low Carder
The Demise Of APW
Posts: 153
Post by Nasir on Sept 30, 2008 12:08:50 GMT -4
look forwards to reading the results, the standard of everyone's RPs leading up to it been top class I reckon
Post by Level-Two on Sept 30, 2008 15:38:05 GMT -4
Exactly why include'thoughts' in an RP? If Jason wasn't suppose to know about it then how was any of the people reading/watching it? If that's the case what was the point in writing something nobody can see? I ain't pissed off about it just think that its unnecessary TBH I've been gone for sometime, but I saw this thread and couldn't help but respond to it... This is an efed. This isn't a video, it's a written story. Your supposed to see this as a written, before you do an actual video, and maybe this is where the mix-up all is...Iggy brought up the point that ''How can the judge's, judge the role play, if they can't see or hear it?'' Well, your just overthinking that statement, and making things much more complicated than you need too. Because if you want to play it that way; than technically there isn't a such thing as ''role play voters'' to begin with. There's somethings, you can't see. Forget all this WWE crap, this isn't the same thing. If character ''A'' is questioning himself within his own thoughts for ''character B'' to revolt or play on his statements, must not make it so clear. You can't go around saying, you heard what he was thinking, or pretending as if he said it out loud. You need to sell your trash talk. Instead of claiming ''you heard him doubting himself'' (despite being impossible) you can say, ''I bet your doubting your talents in your head, right now...'' ect. You play it off, with-out breaking the qualities of the other character. Sell it. Still; I love the whole WWE/EFED comparison. Because if you want to talk about ''Real'' promos, and how they are done, then this wouldn't be much fun now would it? No diologue in between, no funny skits, and bound within the grip holds of the arena talking into a camera for five minutes. That's how television promos are usually done. Fortunately, this hobby has allowed us to become much more creative than that, and to think out side of the box. I haven't read any of these rp's yet, and won't get to them all, but I just had to say that.
Post by Dr. Matt on Sept 30, 2008 15:50:37 GMT -4
If character ''A'' is questioning himself within his own thoughts for ''character B'' to revolt or play on his statements, must not make it so clear. You can't go around saying, you heard what he was thinking, or pretending as if he said it out loud. You need to sell your trash talk. Instead of claiming ''you heard him doubting himself'' (despite being impossible) you can say, ''I bet your doubting your talents in your head, right now...'' ect. You play it off, with-out breaking the qualities of the other character. Sell it. Excellent point. Word things the right way and you can pretty much get away with anything.
Post by President Jeff on Sept 30, 2008 16:40:47 GMT -4
If character ''A'' is questioning himself within his own thoughts for ''character B'' to revolt or play on his statements, must not make it so clear. You can't go around saying, you heard what he was thinking, or pretending as if he said it out loud. You need to sell your trash talk. Instead of claiming ''you heard him doubting himself'' (despite being impossible) you can say, ''I bet your doubting your talents in your head, right now...'' ect. You play it off, with-out breaking the qualities of the other character. Sell it. Excellent point. Word things the right way and you can pretty much get away with anything. Pretty much took the words out of my mouth with that.
Post by Arcadia on Oct 1, 2008 9:28:50 GMT -4
That's exactly what I was trying say as well, If you know something out of character, and you want to bring it into character, do it in your story...figure out how your character would learn something like that.